When you look at mental health statistics of today's kids, it’s scary and dismal. Depression, anxiety, and behavior disorders are on the rise. The burden on our kids is much greater than when we were young which can be attributed to many factors:
Increased performance pressure (sports, education, social, etc)
Increased exposure to violence and threats to our safety
Social media and the pressure that comes with it
Reduced human contact and connection
Poor nutrition and lack of sleep
And so much more...
For many kids, sports are an outlet. For others, it has become a major part of their stress. Schools are doing what they can to offer support but it’s simply not enough. Work needs to be done proactively and directly so our kids can develop into happy and healthy young adults. Staying current and giving them the tools to cope with what they are seeing, hearing, and feeling is more critical now than ever. That's where we come in.
Our approach is unique and cutting edge. We want to empower our teens and young adults with tools and strategies to deal with the tough situations they face. Thru the Game workshops will involve open and honest discussions with a solution-focused approach. Athlete workshops can be offered in different formats and can be scheduled as many times as needed throughout a season or year.
2-day workshop: 2, 2-hour meetings spread out over different sessions
4-day workshop: 4, 1-hour meetings spread out over a few weeks
1-day wellness workshop: 4 hours in one day, including education, conversation, connection, and movement
Customized workshop based on the needs of your program
Topics covered will include but are not limited to the following:
Inner strength and resiliency
Response habits and mindfulness
Nutrition and sleep
Balancing and navigating technology
Dealing with uncertainty
Understanding anxiety
Sadness vs depression
Peer pressure and positive relationships
Self-care and balance
Creating a positive team culture
Knowing yourself and understanding others
The power of compassion and gratitude
Goal setting
Self-talk and the rumination loop
Acknowledgment and movement
​Resources and support
Contact us today to set up a workshop for your club or team.